

I am a computer engineering student, my skills cover software development in different areas (OOP, Embeded, Mobile, Web and High performance computing).
I have experience with tools such as Git, Gradle, Docker, Vagrant.
My interests cover System Virtualization, Systems Integration, DevOps, Automation, IOT and Cloud Orchestration.


Samuele Lorefice

I’m a self-taught Software/Hardware Developer, 3D Modeler, and Videogame Enthusiast. Currently working as Lead Game Dev for a small indie company.
I like to tinker around in C++/C#/OpenGL, making small projects and dreaming about creating my own games. I sometimes design PCBs and do Hardware stuff, be it arduino or proper AVR programming.
Expect my posts to be about game programming, game engine architectures, windows software dev and occasional rants (because once in a while, it’s needed).